2024 Compulsory, Future Stars, Coaches Clinic
Tentative Schedule
Hosted By:
Gymnastics Olympica

Last updated 8/12/2024
Sunday, Sept. 22
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
10:00 AM - 12:45 PM
12:45 PM - 1:45 PM
1:45 PM - 4:30 PM
4:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Coaches Clinic
FS & Comp Clinic
FS & Comp Clinic
Coaches Clinic
Event Costs
Athlete: $100
Register online in the USAG Reservation System
Make sure to email which ones are Compulsory and which ones are Future Stars.
Cory will send an electronic invoice after you have registered.
*Coaches Workshop - Free for all coaches that want to attend.
For the children’s safety building entrance drop-offs should be done using the ‘driving flow’ & ‘drop-off/pick-up point’ illustrated in the image below. In order to keep the ‘Flow of Traffic’ unobstructed, please
Do Not Park, Stop, Stage, or ‘Wait-In-Your-Car’ unless you are in a Clearly Marked Parking Spot. Should you choose to park please walk with your child to the front door at drop-off and meet them at the front door for pick-up. We strongly discourage parents sending children without an adult to walk across the parking lot or from the alternate parking lot to and from vehicles.
Please note that parents are ultimately responsible for their child's safety when the child is not actively participating in a class/training session; this includes choosing to do drop-offs and pick-ups. In order to keep the flow of traffic please do not park in front. As a reminder Do Not Use the Handicap Parking Spaces if you Do Not Have a Valid Handicap Parking Placard registered to you or your vehicle.
Lastly, as a reminder our Only Alternate Parking Lot is the ‘District Support Center’ located next door at 26501 Ruether Ave (large dirt/gravel lot). Please refrain from using the parking lots that are not our own or the District Support Center.
We do hope that by using the suggested ‘driving flow’ and being respectful, courteous, & cautious while navigating through the parking lots will increase our chances for preventing unfortunate situations from happening.
26515 Ruether Ave
Santa Clarita, CA 91350